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Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emir GÖKA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emir GÖKA


Dr. Mehmet Emir GÖKA graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2015 as the salutatorian. He worked as a lawyer in an international law firm for a while. In 2018, he received his LL.M. degree from Ankara University with his thesis titled “Anticipatory Breach”. Afterwards, he started his PhD studies at Bilkent University where he also worked as an assistant at the department of civil law. During his PhD, he conducted research activities in Germany for one and a half years with the scholarships of DAAD and TÜBİTAK. He received his PhD degree in 2024 with his thesis titled “Concurrence of Claims”. As of 2025, he has been working at Social Sciences University of Ankara Faculty of Law.

Research Interests

Civil Law

Law of Obligations

Legal Methodology

Intellectual Property Law

Courses Taught

Basic Concepts of Law


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