- Phone: +90 312 596 44 44 - 45
- hukuk@asbu.edu.tr
Dr. Mehmet Emir GÖKA graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2015 as the salutatorian. He worked as a lawyer in an international law firm for a while. In 2018, he received his LL.M. degree from Ankara University with his thesis titled “Anticipatory Breach”. Afterwards, he started his PhD studies at Bilkent University where he also worked as an assistant at the department of civil law. During his PhD, he conducted research activities in Germany for one and a half years with the scholarships of DAAD and TÜBİTAK. He received his PhD degree in 2024 with his thesis titled “Concurrence of Claims”. As of 2025, he has been working at Social Sciences University of Ankara Faculty of Law.
Civil Law
Law of Obligations
Legal Methodology
Intellectual Property Law
Basic Concepts of Law
He graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Law and Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations. Known for his studies on the Modernization Process in Ottoman Law (1808-1920), and the History of the Turkish Constitution (1808-2022), He has an advanced level of English. He published many books and international articles.
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University/Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences/Department of Political Science and Public Administration -Research Assistant
Accreditation Coordinator - Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Bologna Coordinator- Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Erasmus Coordinator- Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit Coordinator- Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Ministry of Interior Affairs- Civil Law Project
Editor at Publishing house
Ankara Bar Association-Member
"When the heart is determined to do something, the pain of the body quickly subsides." - Namık Kemal
Author, Researcher, Translator
He graduated from Anadolu University Law Faculty and Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Economics. While working as a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Administrative Sciences, he completed his master's and doctoral studies at the same university. Master's Thesis: Westernization Process in Ottoman Law (1808-1920), Ph.D. Thesis: Exiles of the Republic. He has an advanced level of English.
Constitution, Political Parties, History of Law
ASBÜ-Political History
ASBÜ- Administrative Law
Asistant Professor at Administrative Law
Dr. Melikşah Çırakoğlu; graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Law in 2012. In 2013, he has started to work as a research assistant in the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University. He continued this position in Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law between 2014-2022. Dr. Çırakoğlu has master's degree in Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law with his thesis titled "Blocking Internet Access and Access Providers Union" since 2015. In the same year, he started the Public Law PhD program of the mentioned Institute and completed this education with his study titled “Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement in Turkey and the Examples of Comparative Countries” in 2022. Since 2022, he has been working as a Asistant Professor in Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law. He is married and has two children.
Administrative Law
Information and Technology Law
Law Enforcements Law
Motor Vehicles Law
“To leave artifacts like giants, you have to work like ants.” Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Constitutional Law
Human Rights
Constitutional History
Government Systems
Election Systems
Melek Saral studied political science, law, and history at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and the University of Bradford. During her doctoral studies, she was a guest student at European University Institute. Melek received her Ph.D. from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich in the field of political science. Prior to her appointment at ASBU, Saral held academic positions at Bundeswehr University Munich, University of Zurich, SOAS University of London, and İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
Public International Law
Human Rights
Transitional Justice
- Atatürk University Erzincan Faculty of Law
- LL.M. at the University of Freiburg (magna cum laude)
- PhDin at the University of Konstanz (magna cum laude)
- Doctoral Research Fellowship: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht in München
- Doctoral Research Fellowship: Stipendium von der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)
- Assistant Professor at Erzincan University
- Associate Professor at Ankara Social Sciences University
Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law
Trademark Law, Design Law, Geographical Indication Law
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Erman Eroğlu obtained his LL.B. degree from Ankara University Faculty of Law and subsequently practiced as an attorney in Istanbul. Following this, he served as a research fellow at Uludağ University, specializing in international law. During his tenure as a research fellow, he secured a prestigious scholarship from the Republic of Türkiye to pursue postgraduate studies in the United States. He completed the one-year academic research and writing program at The University of Texas at Austin, followed by legal studies at Boston University School of Law and Penn State Law. His educational focus centered on international arbitration, leading to the attainment of his LL.M. degree in international business law. Throughout his doctoral studies at Case Western Reserve University, Erman Eroğlu served as a foreign student assistant. In 2021, he successfully defended his dissertation on international business law, earning his doctoral degree. Upon his return to Türkiye, he contributed as a member of the Special Expertise Commission for the 12th Development Plan of the Republic. Additionally, he engaged in academic activities as a visiting professor at Sciences Po in Paris during the spring semester of 2024. Currently, Erman is a faculty member at the School of Law at Social Sciences University of Ankara. His professional endeavors, including teaching, writing, practice, and research, predominantly revolve around private international law, international commercial law, intellectual property, competition law, media and communications law, and the Turkish law applicable to foreigners.
Private International Law
International Business Law and Arbitration
International Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Media and Communications Law
In nocte consilium
Dr. Fatih Buğra Erdem obtained his LL.B. degree from Atılım University. Following his graduation, he practiced law as a member of Ankara Bar Association. Thereafter, he was awarded with a scholarship to pursue his graduate education in the United Kingdom. He, accordingly, received his LL.M. degree from Birkbeck College, University of London and his PhD from Brunel University London, respectively. He focused on corporate mergers and acquisitions throughout studying his master degree, and abuse of dominant position in the context of EU competition law during his doctoral education. He is currently working at Social Sciences University of Ankara, School of Law as of 2021.
Law of Commercial Enterprise
Competition Law
Corporate Law
Intellectual Property Law
Ahmet Selim Kadıoğlu was born in Istanbul in 1978. He was enrolled at Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1994. He graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Law and from Marmara University Faculty of Divinities. He carried his graduate studies in the Institute of Social Sciences of Marmara University. He received his master’s degree in Philosophy in 2003 and completed his PhD in Sociology in 2010. He has worked in various practice areas of law, as a solo practitioner, a lawyer for public institutions, the official counselor for public institutions and served in different positions in syndicates.
Philosophy of Law
Sociology of Law
Legal Methodology
Legal Theory
Islamic Law
HUK 311 - Philosophy and Sociology of Law
He works in the fields of Constitutional Law, Electoral Law and Human Rights.
Head of the Department of Constitutional Law
"If the mind does not act with what it knows; there is no difference between the scholar and the ignorant." (Mevlânâ)
He uses comparative method in his studies.
He adopts the interdisciplinary approach in his studies.
He gives importance to the evaluation of theory and practice together.
He focuses on government systems.
2005-2009, Ankara University, Faculty of Law, LL.B.
2011-2014, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Sciences Institute, Public Law, LL.M.
2014-2020, , Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Sciences Institute, Public Law, Ph.D.
Constitutional Law
Human Rights
Election Law
Government Systems
Political Parties Law
Constitutional Law
Head of the Financial Law Department
It is first necessary to read and learn, then apply and experience in the field. Theory is important, but if there is no equivalent in life, it will remain out of date.
He has studies in national and international tax applications, electronic taxation, budget and procurement law, financial management and auditing.
He completed his undergraduate education in Ankara Faculty of Political Sciences (Mekteb-i Mülkiye). He had a master's degree in business administration in the USA.
For many years, he worked as a civil servant, supervisor, consultant and senior manager in the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Treasury and Finance). He attended national and international financial courses and programs and conducted academic studies in the field of financial law.
He still continues his academic studies as Professor in Ankara Social Sciences University Faculty of Law, Department of Financial Law.
Tax Law and Turkish tax system
Public Finance
Electronic Taxation Law
Budget and Procurement law
Turkish financial management system and financial practices
Tax Law
Public finance
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences University of Ankara
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sisteminde Kanun Hazırlama Usulü (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin Açılışının 100. Yılında "Milli Egemenlik ve Temsil" Uluslararası Sempozyumu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAhONRe3ME
Academician who contributed to the legal literature by using the concept of “powerful democracy” for the first time.
Reading, thinking and working hard; Living without pretending and being straight ahead.
An academician who combines experience with academics by practicing in almost all areas of law as a lawyer, corporate lawyer, legal counselor, expert, trustee.
Associate, Bachelor, Master and PhD level in both private law should be a senior academics with experience in public law giving law education courses.
Between 1992-1995, he studied Political Science and Public Administration at METU. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law in 2001 where he passed in 1996. He completed his master's degree in EU Law in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Public Law in 2018 at Selçuk University. He started his university career as an instructor at Erciyes University and continued his academic career at Inonu University Faculty of Law in 2018. At the beginning of 2019, he joined ASBU Law Family.
Constitutional Law
General Public Law
Human Rights Law
State- Law Relationship- Master’s Degree
Public Economic Law- PhD
Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Law
- Mediation
- Reconciliation
- Civil Procedure Law
- Notary Law
Labour and Social Security Law
She works in the field of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology
No effort goes to waste.
She concentrated on the general theory of crime.
She has published articles on criminal attempt, grounds for lawfulness, indirect perpetrator, complicity and negligence.
She worked on women's rights and examined the issue of being coerced into marriage in criminal law.
Prior to 2014, she worked actively as mediator and worked on reconciliation of alternative dispute resolution methods.
She does comparative studies on Turkish and German criminal law.
She graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law in 1996. In 1997, she completed her internship in Ankara Bar Association. On 31th May 1998, she went to Germany as a MEB scholarship student in order to learn the language and to study for a master degree. She received her MA degree from Georg-August- Goettingen University with honour studying with her advisor Dr. Manfred Maiwald, and returned to Turkey in April 2002. Between 2002-2003, he worked as a research assistant at Erzincan Atatürk University, Faculty of Law. During that time, she taught criminal law at the Erzincan Police Vocational College. In 2003, she started her Ph.D. on Public Law in Ankara University, Social Sciences Institute. From 2007 to 2008, during her Ph.D., she was a doctoral research fellow at the University of Freiburg where she did research for a year under the supervision of Wolfgang Frisch.
In 2010, she completed her Ph.D. and started working as a Research Assistant (with PhD) at Erzincan University, Faculty of Law. In 2011, she was appointed to the same faculty as Assistant Professor and started to teach undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses. She worked at the Faculty of Law at Sakarya University between 2014-2018 and between 2018 and 2019 at the Faculty of Law at Uludağ University. At the Faculties of Law and Police Vocational Colleges, she lectured in the general provisions of criminal law, special provisions of criminal law, criminal procedure law, criminology, penal law, the grounds of compliance with the law in criminal law, crimes against property, and protection measures in criminal procedure. She worked as a trainer and lecturer in the Mediator and Expert trainings conducted by Sakarya University Continuing Education Centre.
She conducted researches on the crime of fraud in Georg-August Goettingen University Institute of Criminal Sciences between 2015-2016 within the scope of TÜBİTAK's 2219 Program. She will continue her researches between 2019-2020 by using the scholarship “Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers” granted by Alexander von Humbold Foundation in 2016.
She has been working as a Faculty Member at Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Law Since May 7, 2019.
Criminal Law General and Special Provisions
Alternative methods of settling disputes
Criminal law and women's issues
Medical law
Criminal Law General Provisions
Criminal Law Special Provisions
an academician who has dedicated himself to international law
E fructu arbor cognoscitur
He completed his bachelor's degree at Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 2003, his master's degree at Robert Schuman University (France) in 2006, and his PhD at Strasbourg University (France) in 2012. Since 2012, he has held many administrative and academic positions at Erzurum Atatürk University. As of March 2019, he started to work at Ankara University of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law.
International Law
International Human Rights Law
Peace and Security
International Law
She is a well-known scholar in the fields of Civil Law, Law of Obligations and Family Mediation.
II. Summit of Mediation – Assertions (Editorial Coordinator)
“Law is art of justice and goodness.”
Educator, Author and Academician
PhD, University of Istanbul, Institution of Social Sciences, Private Law, 2017.
Because of her high grade she won a scholarship into South Texas Law School , Houston, in comparative study program between the American legal system and the Turkish legal system. Prof. Dr. Tom READ was her Advisor in this program, 2008-2009.
Master’s Degree, University of Istanbul Kültür, Private Law, 2004-2008.
L.L.B., University of Istanbul Kültür, Faculty of Law, 1999-2004.
Health Law
Law of Contracts
Family Law, Mediation
Protection of Personal Datas
- Law of Paternity (in Master Programm)
- Resolution of Disputes in Intellectual Property Law (in Master Programm)
- Basic Mediation Traning
He works in the fields of Energy Law, Regulation Law and Information Technology Law.
ASBU Faculty of Law Dean
ASBU Faculty of Law Journal Editor
Editor of ASBU Journal of Informatics Law
Member of the Equivalence Commission UAK
Coordinator of ASBU Mediation Basic Education Certificate Program
With justice, the earth and the heavens are standing. (Ali SEMERKANDİ)
He has studies on Administrative Law, Regulation Law and IT Law.He has been studying comparatively on German Administrative Law and Turkish Administrative Law.
Bülent Kent (Prof. Dr.) graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Law (1996). He received his master's degree (2001) from the Faculty of Law at University of Potsdam. And He holds a Ph.D. (2005) from Berlin Freie University, Faculty of Law. He worked as a lecturer in Başkent University Faculty of Law between years 2005-2007 and as a lecturer in Başkent University Faculty of Law between 2007-2011. He worked as an assistant professor in the Administrative and Administrative Law Department of Beyazıt University Faculty of Law between 2011-2013. And he worked as an associate professor in the Administrative and Administrative Law Law Department of Beyazıt University Faculty of Law between 2013-2014. Between 2015-2018, he worked as an associate professor at the Department of Administrative and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of Sabahattin Zaim University. Since 2018, he has been working as a dean in the Department of Administrative and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law of Ankara University of Social Sciences. Turkish and German Law Regulating the Electricity Market and Regulatory Institutions, Blocking Access to Internet Sites in Turkey and Die Deutsch-Englisch Finanzhoheit der Gemeinden im Vergleich says the books were published. He has several articles published in the fields of Administrative Law, Administrative Trial Law, Regulation Law, IT Law and Local Authorities.
Administrative Law
Energy Law
Regulation Law
Information Technology Law
Administrative Law
Energy Law
Regulation Law
Information Technology Law
An academician with academic and practical experience in the field of International trade and investmet law.
Talat KAYA received his BA from Ankara University Faculty of Law in 1998, LLM from Vanderbilt University in 2005, and PhD from Ankara University in 2013. Dr. Kaya worked as a judge trainee from 1999 to 2000. At the end of 2000, He joined to the Undersecretariat of the Prime Ministry for Foreign Trade, which, later on, has been turned into Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Trade, respectively. There, Dr. Kaya worked on various subjects of international trade and investment law, participated in the negotiation and drafting of many international trade agreements. He also advised dozens of firms which encountered international trade and investment problems abroad. Furthermore, he coordinated and drafted Turkey’s submissions to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Panels and Appellate Body. From 2007 to 2008 he worked for the Advisory Center on WTO Law, an international organization based in Geneva, where he provided legal advice and advocacy support to developing-country Members of the WTO. Dr. Kaya has been working at the Social Sciences University of Ankara since 2018. He has numerous academic works on international commercial law, international investment law, international intellectual property law and international competition law.
Private International Law, Citizenship Law, Foreigners Law, Arbitration, International Trade Law, World Trade Organization Law
Private International Law
International Commercial Contracts Law
International Commercial Arbitration
International Intellectual Property Law
An academician who applies Medical Law to Civil Law, known with her works which are about Civil Law’s every fields.
Head of the Department of Civil Law
University’s and Other Publications Reviewer
“Knowledge is power.” Bacon
She got her Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees from the Faculty of Law of Ankara University that is famous for being the first Faculty of Law founded in the Republican period.
She completed her postgraduate education and researches with famous, expert lecturers in their fields in the prestigious universities in Switzerland, from whom our Civil Code was obtained, through governmental scholarship.
After doctorate studies, she completed 10 years’ obligatory service in the Faculty of Law in Erzincan University, according to the 35th article of Council of Higher Education.
She was engaged in Disabled Unit in Erzincan University for their integration to society for a long time. She presented articles in symposiums, congresses and meetings on the subject.
I completed my Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Law in Ankara University. I also completed my Master’s and Doctorate degrees in the same university. I have been in Basel and Fribourg Faculty of Law in Switzerland during my Doctorate studies. My doctorate study is “The Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Communications”. I have been in Basel and Fribourg Universities as a visiting lecturer for 12 months through governmental scholarship. After doctorate, I moved to Faculty of Law in Erzincan University for my obligatory service. I was given my associate professorship with “The Conditions of Liability of Saler about Defective Goods within the Scope of the CISG and Turkish Code of Obligations”. In 2017, I was in Fribourg for 6 months for my thesis studies for Professorship through TÜBİTAK scholarship. While I was there, I had the opportunity to scan all of the recent works in Swiss Law. After I completed my obligatory service in Erzincan, I was appointed as a lecturer to ASBU Faculty of Law in Civil Law Department. I am still the Head of Department of Civil Law at the same university. I have articles published on all fields of Civil Law and Turkish Code of Obligations. For my minor studies, I am working on children’s rights and protection of personal data. I was a jury member in the management of a lot of master’s and doctorate thesis studies in these fields. I am also a referee in journals at universities and other law journals on Civil Law and Law of Obligations and minor fields. I know English and German.
Consumer Law
Personal Data Protection
International Sale of Goods (CISG)
Electronic Communications Law
Similarities between Ottoman and Turkish Law of Obligations
LLM; Literary and Artistic Works Law/ Performance and Barriers of Performance
PhD; Law of Construction Contract
LLM; Consumer Law
PhD; Contract for Works and Services
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa Özdemir - Personal Data Protection of Consumers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfc73i7Q10s
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa Özdemir - Liability of Saler About Defective Goods in Automotive Sector within the Scope of new Consumer Protection Act and Turkish Code of Obligations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpfGDxplV40
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı has published his works on the fields of Criminal Law and History of Law and has concentrated his studies on Ottoman criminal law.
Head of the Department of History of Law at Law Faculty
Head (pp) the Department of İslamic Law at Law Faculty
Head of the Department of Public Law at Institute of Social Sciences
"The justice is the fundamential of the state. There is nothing left from human if the moral goes away."
With the his books “Türk Hukuk Tarihi”, “Osmanlı Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler”, “Osmanlı Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler” and “Hukuk Tarihimizde Hapis Kurumu”, Prof. Dr. Avcı is the one of the prominent academicians of his fields.
Professor Dr. Avci, in order to support young people to fight against guilt and bad habits, gives lectures in public institutions, universities and non-governmental organizations.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı was born in Adana Kozan in 1965. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1984. He completed his master's degree at Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences in 1987 with his thesis “Insurances according to Islam”. With the thesis titled “Alternatives to imprisonment”, written under supervision of Ord. Prof. Dr. Sulhi Dönmezer, he received his PhD in 1994, from Istanbul University.
After serving as a candidate judge in Istanbul Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Courts and judge in Göynük and Kelkit, he worked in Dicle and Selçuk Universities. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı currently works in Social Sciences University of Ankara.
In 1995, he appointed as assistant professor and in 2001 he promoted to associate professor with his associate professorship dissertation entitled "Prison in Our History". He assigned as a professor in 2007 with his professorship presentation thesis “Crimes and Punishments in Law of Ottomans”.
Between the dates of 2008-2018, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı served as Director of the School of Justice at Selçuk University Faculty of Law and Coordinator of the Konya Examination Coordinatorship of Anadolu University Open Learning Faculty.
Currently Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı is serving as Head of the Department of History of Law at Law Faculty, Head (pp) the Department of Islamic Law at Law Faculty and Head of the Department of Public Law at Institute of Social Sciences and also a member of Social Sciences and Art Ethical Council of Interuniversity Board.
Prof. Dr. Avcı is married and has three children. He can speak Arabic and French.
Ottoman Criminal Law
History of Law
Islamic Law
Criminal Law
Family Mediation
General Principles of Law
Ottoman Criminal Law (Private)
Ottoman Criminal Procedure Law
Organized Crimes in Ottomans
Ottoman Public Law
Ottoman Criminal Law (General)
Ottoman Public Law
Ottoman Criminal Law (Private)
He is an academician known for his work in the fields of “Civil Law” and “Law and Economics”.
Assistant Director of Continuing Education Centre of ASBU
Editor of Digital Law Review
“Law is (or ought to be) an incentive price mechanism for the creation of productive,
allocative and cost efficiency.”
Erman BENLİ graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2008. He obtained his master degree in 2009 in the field of Law and Economics. He received his PhD degree from Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2017. He has publications in international and national refereed journals. He has also participated in many international and national conferences as a speaker. He has both academic and private sectors experience. In 2017, he successfully completed the project titled “Regulation and Competition Law Aspects of Peering Agreements in Telecommunications Industry: A Comparative Study” supported by Social Sciences University of Ankara, Unit of Scientific Research Project. Within the scope of the project, he successfully completed the certificate program he attended at the Coase-Sandor Institute of Law and Economics of University of Chicago Law School. Throughout his career in academia and private sector, he has provided project based consultancy support to leading organizations in the fields of Regulation and Competition Law.
Law of Property
Law of Obligations
Personalized Law
Telecommunications Law
Economic Analysis of Private Law
Legal Terminology (Undergraduate)
Contract Law (Master)
Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Law Department
Head of the department of Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Law
“The formation is the enemy of arbitrariness, the twin brother of freedom” Rudolf von Jhering
Author of the "Legal Mentality"
Head of the Department of General Public Law
Homo homini lupus est & Homo homini res sacra
He has achieved outstanding success in the university entrance exams and has been entitled to the abroad scholarship of the Ministry of National Education. He received his BA in Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Indiana-Bloomington and MA in Theology from Harvard University. He received his PhD degree in Law from the University of London, SOAS, with a dissertation on the interaction of religion ‐ state ‐ society norms. He worked at the Ministry of National Education as a legal advisor. He served as a rapporteur judge at the Constitutional Court. He is still a faculty member at Ankara University of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Department of General Public Law.
Human Rights
Methodologies Of Law And Legal Research
Legal Writing
Legal Discussions I&II
Sociology Of Law
Philosophy Of Law
Alternative Approaches to Law
Social Limits of Law
Legal Politics
Human Rights
Law and Practice
Prominent personality in the area of RECONCILIATION in Criminal Procedure Law
Head of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Department
“I aspire everything that could be achieved by working.”
He graduated from Faculty of Law,Ankara University in 1994. When he finished 3rd grade in 1993, he decided to become an academician. For this purpose, he studied German at TOMER in Gaziantep between the years of 1994-1995. Meanwhile he worked as a paid teacher for the Ministry of National Education. In 1996 he went to Berlin with his own means for postgraduate studies. He continued to study German at the BSI (Berlin Sprach Institut) in Berlin. In 1997, he started his Master’s Degree (LL.M) at Berlin Humboldt University.
He returned to Turkey in 1998 and was successful in the examination of judgeship - prosecution conducted for the first time by OSYM. Between the years of 1998 and 2001, he was a candidate for judgeship- prosecution in Gaziantep, Isparta, Antalya and Ankara. Between the years of 2001 and 2013, he worked as a public prosecutor in different parts of the country.He resigned from the public prosecutor's office on 24 January 2013 and started his academic life.Until 23 June 2017, he worked as the Head of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law Department at Faculty of Law ,Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. He passed the associate professorship exam held on March 25, 2016 and received the title of associate professor. Since June 23, 2017, he has been serving as the Head of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law Department Faculty of Law, Social Sciences University of Ankara.
General and Special Provisions of Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Alternative Solutions in Criminal Procedure
Execution Law
Medical Criminal Law
Criminal Law General Provisions
Criminal Law Special Provisions
Criminal Procedure Law
Execution and Probation Law
IT Criminal Law
Medical Criminal Law
Protection Measures in Criminal Procedure
Special Forms of Crime
Lawyer, academician.
Executive Board Member of Council of Higher Education
“What is the purpose of reading / So that Man can know the All-Powerful / If you have read, but failed to understand / Then your efforts are just a barren toil” Yunus Emre
He has been working on negotiable instruments law, competition law, consumer law and corporate law.
Metin Topcuoğlu graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Law in 1993. He completed his master's degree on Public Law at the Social Sciences Institute of Istanbul University (1995); and his doctorate his studies at Marmara University Social Sciences Institute (1999). He worked as a research assistant (1994-2000) and a lecturer (2009-2017) at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Süleyman Demirel University. He has been working at ASBU since 2017. He wrote monographs and several articles on Commercial Enterprise Law, Corporate Law, Negotiable Instruments and Competition Law.
Corporate Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law, Negotiable Instruments Law
Dr. Koçak graduated from TOBB University of Economics and Technology with a bachelor's degree in Law and International Relations (as double major) and received his master's degree from Ankara University with a dissertation titled "Compulsory Licence on the Grounds of Non-working in Patent Law". He completed his PhD at Hacettepe University with a doctoral thesis titled "Reinsurance Contracts" and has published articles in the fields of intellectual property law and insurance law in different journals.
Commercial Law, Insurance Law, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property Law
An academician known for her work in comparative law in German and Turkish Criminal Law
Justitia est fundamentum regnorum
She completed her bachelor's degree at İzmir Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law in 2005, her master's degree at Bayreuth University (Germany) in 2010. She started her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law in Freiburg University with Prof. Dr. Walter Perron. She was awarded the title of 'Doctor of Law' by the Bayreuth University (Germany) in 2016. Since 2017, she is in Ankara University of Social Science, Faculty of Law.
Comparative studies in Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law,
Modern protection measures implemented in the world of Criminal Procedure Law,
Protection of Personal Data
Modern Protection Measures in the Context of Article 8 of the ECHR
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